Safari - Papo - Bullyland - CollectA - Mojo - Schleich Spielfiguren
Shipping costs (including VAT)
Deliveries within Germany:
We charge a flat shipping fee of € 3.80 per order.
Deliveries abroad:
We calculate the shipping costs abroad as a flat rate as follows:
Belgien 9,75 €:
Dänemark 9,75 €:
Finnland 9,75 €:
Irland: 9,75 €:
Italien 9,75 €:
Kroatien 9,75 €:
Japan 35,00 €:
Litauen 9,75 €:
Mexico 35,00 €:
Niederlande 9,75 €:
Österreich 9,75 €:
Schweiz 35,00 €:
Spanien 9,75 €:
Portugal 9,75 €:
Griechenland 9,75 €:
Schweden 9,75 €:
Slowakei 9,75 €:
Slowenien 9,75 €:
Tschechische Republik 9,75 €:
USA 35,00 €:
Luxemburg 9,75 €:
Malta 9,75 €:
Polen 9,75 €:
Ungarn 9,75 €:
Zypern 9,75 €